Discover the enchanting beauty of Gladiolus ‘Norma Jean,’ a variety renowned for its exquisite and ruffled flowers. Standing tall and proud, this gladiolus features calyxes that gracefully emerge on either side of the stem, creating an ideal haven for pollinators.
Plant organically grown Gladiolus ‘Norma Jean’ during the months of March to May and delight in its blossoms that grace the garden in July and August. Whether basking in full sunlight or nestled in partial shade, this gladiolus thrives in various aspects. Additionally, Gladiolus ‘Norma Jean’ doubles as a stunning cut flower, allowing you to bring the allure of its ruffled blooms indoors.
Capture the essence of elegance with Gladiolus ‘Norma Jean,’ appreciating not only its aesthetic appeal but also its role in supporting pollinators. Embrace the extended flowering time of this gladiolus and relish its beauty in your chosen sunny or partially shaded spot, or bring the outdoors in with its graceful presence as a cut flower.
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