Sedum is a lush, beautiful flower with an incredible fragrance. Due to their attractive appearance, many are beloved as ornamental garden plants. A sedum is known for its incredible scent, which is evident when those petals are crushed.
They are succulents that are known for their beautiful bursts of colour. They come in a variety of colours, including yellow, green, purple, red, and white.

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Sedums make excellent low-maintenance garden plants because they can tolerate poor soil conditions. They generally require minimal watering, but monthly feedings will keep them looking great.
Sedums can grow in a wide range of climates. They look great in desert gardens or as potted plants in sunny windows.
Due to their attractive colour, their popularity has increased recently. While flowers are the main attraction of sedums, they will grow quite tall as well.
They can make ideal specimen plants because of their height and colour. Sedums are reminiscent of cactuses, which most people enjoy due to their interesting shape and generally bloom in the summer. When they do bloom, they emit an incredible fragrance.
Bright colours add a vibrant look to gardens, but they are still quite stunning when blended in. Sedums may be used as an accent with other flowering plants or as a standalone plant.
They can be planted in a variety of areas to add interest and beauty to a garden.