Approximate coverage is 180 square meters per kilogram, with a recommended rate of 22 kilograms per acre.
Green manures are specially cultivated plants designed to enhance soil quality. They achieve this through various mechanisms: deep-rooted growth, ground coverage to prevent nutrient leaching, nitrogen fixation, and the development of fibrous root structures that break up soil. After cultivation, they are either dug or mulched back into the soil, adding organic matter that retains moisture and nourishes beneficial organisms. For digging in, chop up the green manure with a spade and incorporate it into the top few inches (10-12 cm) of soil. Alternatively, mulching involves cutting down the green manure, leaving the clippings on the soil, and covering them with materials like cardboard, grass cuttings, or a biodegradable ground cover. Keep the covering for at least 6 weeks, allowing the green manure to break down and integrate into the soil with the help of earthworms.
Healthy soil is fundamental to organic cultivation, and green manures play a crucial role. Use them to cover exposed ground, especially during the winter months.
Tares, also known as vetch, belong to the legume family and are part of the pea family. They serve as an excellent green manure, contributing to nitrogen fixation, producing extensive top growth that suppresses weeds, and exhibiting winter hardiness. The multi-branched, extensive root system aids in enhancing soil structure, making tares suitable for heavy soils while avoiding very acidic or excessively wet soil conditions.
Growing Instructions:
Sow from March to September.
If transitioning from a recently harvested crop, minimal cultivation is required. Fork or rake over the soil to achieve a good tilth and remove any weeds.
Scatter the tares seed evenly and lightly rake it in. Water the seedlings during dry weather.
When to Dig In:
Tares can be incorporated into the soil at any time, but they are particularly suitable for overwintering and can be dug in or mulched out the following spring.