25 organic vegetable seeds per gardener’s packet
Saint Pierre is a cherished heirloom tomato variety from France, known for its large, fleshy fruits and outstanding flavour. The tomatoes have a smooth, slightly flattened round shape and are perfect for slicing, making them ideal for sandwiches and salads. Although Saint Pierre tomatoes grow slowly, they are worth the wait, with fruits averaging about 150g each. Tomatoes are incredibly versatile and easy to grow, with varieties suited for both indoor and outdoor cultivation. Their colours are equally diverse, spanning red, orange, yellow, black, green, and even striped. Few things compare to picking a sun-warmed tomato fresh from the plant.
Growing tips:
To grow tomatoes, sow seeds between January and March in trays or modules filled with high-quality organic compost. Maintain a temperature of 18–21°C for germination. Alternatively, seeds can be sown in March or April on a sunny windowsill if a propagator is not available. When seedlings develop their first true leaves and reach about 8 cm tall, transplant them into 8 cm pots with nutrient-rich organic compost. Grow them on at 10°C to ensure healthy growth. Transplant into grow bags, greenhouse borders, or outdoor borders in April or May, depending on the variety. For potted plants, keep repotting into larger containers as needed.
Tomatoes are not frost-hardy, so protect them from cold temperatures. Begin feeding with an organic liquid fertilizer when the first trusses of tomatoes form. Consistent watering is crucial to prevent the plants from drying out. For tall-growing varieties, support plants with canes or strings, and remove side shoots that grow from the leaf joints, taking care not to pinch off flower stems. Once three or four trusses of fruit have formed, pinch out the growing tip to encourage fruit development. Remove older yellowing leaves from the plant’s base to improve airflow and light penetration to lower fruit trusses. Harvest tomatoes when ripe, typically from June to October.