Meet the Parrot Gladiolus ‘Peachy Glow’ (formerly known as Koersk), featuring slightly whimsical-shaped flowers in a delightful pink-orange and yellow hue. This captivating gladiolus, also known as sword lilies, reaches heights of up to 110 cm, making it a splendid addition to the garden and an excellent choice as a cut flower, boasting an extended vase life. The funnel-shaped flowers bloom on both sides of a long stem, with the flowering process starting at the bottom and gradually ascending.
To cultivate Gladiolus ‘Peachy Glow’, plant it in early spring after the frost has subsided. Place the organic summer flowering bulbs at a depth of approximately 12 cm and provide immediate watering. While they tolerate partial shade, they thrive best in a sunny location for a vibrant and abundant bloom. Gladiolus ‘Peachy Gow’ exhibits reasonable winter hardiness, but it is advisable to cover them during prolonged frost. They prefer well-drained soil and may require some support during the blooming phase.