The botanical Crocus chrysanthus ‘Romance’ blooms very early in January to February. This variety showcases petite, soft-to-buttery yellow flowers, adding a touch of elegance to your outdoor space. With its naturalizing capabilities, these bulbs proliferate, and their foliage swiftly fades after flowering, making them an excellent choice for planting in a lawn or naturalized areas. Organic Crocus chysanthus ‘Romance is an ideal addition to a natural or eco garden. Embrace the magic of nature and welcome bees early in the season with this organically grown, early-blooming treasure.
Organic Camassia leichtlinii 'Sacajawea'
£8,50 – £209,25
Organic Hyacinthus orientalis 'Delft Blue'
£5,95 – £69,94
Organic Crocus chrysanthus ‘Romance’
£3,75 – £30,30
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