Amidst the dense tufts of this deciduous ornamental grass, Molinia caerulea ‘Heidebraut,’ also known as Purple Moor Grass, unveils upright, willowy stems in late summer and autumn. These stems bear creme-yellow flower spikes from July to September, complemented by fresh green foliage. This decorative grass reaches a height of approximately 120 to 150 cm.
Like other Molinia varieties and cultivars, this grass is well-suited for solitary placement in perennial borders.
Molinia looks stunning in the autumn light, so cut back in late winter to the base of the plant (roughly soil/compost level) before the new foliage appears in late winter/early spring. Trim the faded stems and dried leaves of Molinia caerulea ‘Heidebraut’ in March for optimal maintenance.