Turn your garden into a beautiful, diversified ecosystem by planting organic Calendula seeds, also known as pot Marigold. The herb has bright yellow to orange flowers and bright green leaves that complement other herbs in the garden. Besides, it attracts beneficial insects such as lacewings and ladybirds, which eat harmful insects like aphids.
Calendula flowers are edible and a good addition to fruit salads and savoury dishes. The flowers are also known for their medicinal properties for wounds as it helps healing and relieves pain from insect stings and bites.
Our Calendula seeds are 100% organically grown and can be sown in directly from March to June. When sowing, scatter seeds and rake lightly. You can also sow in small pots and later transplant them when they are about a foot long. Plant the seedlings at least 30cm apart. Flowers from May to September.